Churches in Naperville
The Christian ecclesia of the first-century church was administered by local leaders. Paul had the pattern of appointing elders in the churches (Acts 14:23; 20:17). Churches in Naperville paul gave leadership responsibility to Timothy at Ephesus and to Titus at Crete. Peter in talking with elders of the parts of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia challenged them to be shepherds of God's flock. In reality, he identifies himself as a fellow elder and, therefore, a shepherd. He also identifies Christ as the Chief Shepherd (2 Pet. 5:1-4). We see a sample than in the first-century church in that your administering of the area churches was done by elders whose function was to be akin compared to that of a shepherd.
The word 'Pastor' is used once in the New Testament in Ephesians 4:11. In Latin, the phrase is derived from the phrase Pastoral is, and in French, Pastor. Both words are translated as 'Shepherd'5. The word 'Pastor' is therefore imagery of shepherding which should characterize the elders of the area ecclesia.
Pastoral is definitely an adjectival word that, in the context, it is being considered, bears the following meaning: "concerning work and work of a minister of religion." The meaning brings about clearly our consideration in this Chapter: We will examine Pastoral calling in relation to its nature - that is, work, and its task - that is, the work.
The Nature of Pastoral Calling
The office and work of the minister of religion or pastor or shepherd or elder, whatever title can be utilized to designate work and work, are unique. Anyone may develop into a Pastor but not everybody can become a Pastor. Here, we are dealing with a specialized office into which entry is pre-conditioned by the influence of the divine and the human. There is a calling involved.
We often hear people say, in the area church setting in Sierra Leone, "I am called by God to ministry." A leader of a church that was started within the past five years and whose church keeps growing rapidly in a quantitative manner describes his calling by God as having occurred via a dream. Another leader went to a location in the West end of Freetown in 1993, used residence there, and began to prepare evangelistic outreaches. Within a year, he's won some individuals to Christ and has begun a church. This same leader was in league with another leader who runs their own private ministry (a church).
Through an interview with him, it had been found out that he could not pull alongside the other leader so he broke from him to set up their own independent ministry. When asked why he was seeking to begin a church in the newest area into which he's moved he replied, "I was called by God." He made no mention of a rift between him and another leader which was the motivating factor for him to move off to begin their own ministry; nor did he make mention of conditions that caused him to possess sought residence in that new locality and had consequently decided to make there his base for evangelism. Rather, it had been just the blanket statement, "I am called by God.
The next example arrived on the scene of an interview with the National Superintendent of an evangelical church that has been around Sierra Leone since 1969. He mentioned that their own call was firstly a subjective experience. The job of the ministry seemed worthy to him. He saw the work as noble. Such factors resulted from a strong sense of God's call toward the ministry which could only be expressed rather than described. During the time of such a subjective experience, he wasn't only in just about any employment; yet, he felt a tougher pull in him for involvement in ministry which seemed noble and worthy to him rather than involvement in secular employment.
Secondly, this leader described
his call as also an objective experience. Churches in Naperville the objective has related to tangible
evidence. Among such evidence was the requirement for manpower in the ministry
of this church; thus, circumstances triggered the objective experience.
Included in the objective experience was the confirmation of the leaders of the
church. The leaders saw the worthiness of the man who had a solid inner drive
for involvement in ministry. Over a time frame, and with training, his sense of
call was confirmed by the leaders and he became one that fulfilled the
requirement for manpower. In cases like this, the subjective experience didn't
stand alone. It found fulfillment and confirmation in the objective.
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